Bob Blancato

Bob Blancato

Bob Blancato is the President of Matz, Blancato and Associates. In that capacity, he also serves as the National Coordinator of the bipartisan 3000-member Elder Justice Coalition, the Executive Director of the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services...
Lance Robertson

Lance Robertson

The Honorable Lance Robertson is the former US Assistant Secretary for Aging and the HHS Administration for Community Living (ACL) Administrator (2017-2021).  In this capacity, he was responsible for the federal government’s $4 billion budget focused on...
Bob Stephen

Bob Stephen

Bob Stephen is AARP’s Vice President, Caregiving and Health Programs and serves as AARP’s lead for family caregiving. In these roles, he leads the strategy and execution of AARP’s enterprise-wide efforts to help 50 plus Americans live independently at home and in the...